Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hate is Hate

Hai, semuanya!

Jadi untuk tulisan kali ini, saya ingin membantu menyebarkan pesan dari teman saya, Maya Goldman, dari Israel. Silahkan dibaca dahulu dan ambil hikmahnya :) Mohon maaf kalau agak panjang.

Hey guys

I don't know if it's appropriate or if it's the right place to express my feelings but I think that I should tell you. Maybe we are not so close right now but in less than a month we'll be and you probably heard about this story in the news. On Thursday there was a pride parade in my city - Jerusalem. In that parade an extremist, psychopath, horrible orthodox man stabbed six people and one of them was my friend. She studied with me at the same grade. We weren't the closest friends but she was one of the people that I thought always be there. At biology class or with you in the toilet at breaks or at school trips.

Yesterday she died because of her injuries . My friend was murdered because of her beliefs. If you'd know her you'll understand how surrealistic and unfair it is. She was kind and fight  for peace and tolerance. She was so nice and had such a lovely smile. I can't understand how someone can murder this lovely girl,that he don't know and kill her just because she has different views than him.

It's very hard for me and I'm very sad.

I know that all of you think it's terrible and are against violance and hate but I'm asking you to spread the story. To raise  awareness and fight against the hate. Whether it's hate against lgbt or racism or something else, hate is hate.

We don't need that things will role down to murder for us to wake up and understand what happens around us.

It starts with the small things, with words that gives to people legitimize to hate. Next time you face discrimination don't stay quiet, please.

Tell people the story and make them understand that hate kills.

Shira banki, rest in peace.
- Maya Goldman, 3/8/2015

Secara singkat, tulisan di atas adalah pesan dari orang kebangsaan Israel yang kehilangan temannya yang meninggal dunia karena kasus penikaman saat parade LGBT di Jerusalem.

Oke lah, kita mungkin tidak sepaham dengan mereka, terutama tentang LGBT dan semacamnya. Dan dengan tulisan saya tulis tentang Israel bulan lalu, tidak berarti saya mendukung mereka. Tetapi, disini ada poin yang ingin saya sampaikan.

"... Whether it's hate against lgbt or racism or something else, hate is hate. .... Next time you face discrimination don't stay quiet, please. Tell people the story and make them understand that hate kills. " - Maya Goldman

Hate is hate. Kebencian adalah kebencian.

Kita memang tidak bisa selalu sepaham dengan orang lain. Dan orang lain juga tidak bisa selalu sepaham dengan kita. Dan disanalah poin pentingnya. Jika kita ingin orang lain menghormati kita, hormatilah mereka pula. Di saat kita bisa bertoleransi dan hidup berdampingan, di saat itulah tercipta kedamaian. Bukankah itu yang kita inginkan?

Bukankah semua agama mengajarkan untuk bertoleransi? Bukankah semua agama mengajarkan kasih sayang?

Jika kalian memang tidak sepaham dengan orang lain dan perlu menyadarkan mereka, ingatlah bahwa selalu ada cara lain selain dengan cara anarkis!
Kalian bisa berbagi cerita terlebih dahulu, berdebat yang membangun, atau sebagainya. Atau setidaknya, diam.

Tidak ada agama di dunia ini yang mengajarkan kekerasan, oke? Kalian  pun bisa membaca literatur sejarah-sejarah terdahulu :)

Let's make peace, not war. Right? Hehe

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